Going to change this too, thanks for pointing it out for me.
Oh! Thanks for catching that for me. Going to change that real quick.
Actually, I had to double check and compare to the wiki and I usually do the whole additional note thing going by the pattern 1. Additional Note. Side Note going by the list of that specific pathway. Sorry for the confusion.
It would be a spoiler if I said anything else.
Which was it? It has been a while since I last saw the series.
No money for one. And those I ask just abandoned me out of the blue or just outright disappear an hour later of trying to help me edit.
Technically, this fic was just using the powers from LOTM. The new one would at least have more LOTM involved.
Nope. Someone told me how to delete the story on webnovel. Which I did already with ones that I don't plan on working on anytime soon. This story is staying.