Ascendancy: The Apocalypse System
In the aftermath of a world-ending event, Elijah "Eli" Cross awakens to a shattered world—and a mysterious power. The "Apocalypse System" has chosen him, granting him abilities beyond imagination. As he navigates this desolate landscape, Eli discovers he's not alone; others wield similar powers, and deadly factions hunt them down.
Eli builds a sanctuary in the ruins, gathering strength through the System’s daily rewards. But as he grows stronger, so do the shadows that loom over him. When a mysterious woman named Samara enters his life, offering knowledge and an alliance, Eli finds himself drawn into something far greater than survival.
With enemies closing in and secrets lurking in every corner, Eli must embrace his destiny. In a world where the line between friend and foe blurs, and power is both a gift and a curse, Eli's journey is one of awe, mystery, and ascension.
Can he survive, or will this new world prove fatal?
Alexander_Shee · 科幻