Support: I have a hobby of creating stories and I have already published a few books on Amazon.
Not even a stink bomb? How unprofessional, too much used to modern methods...
I have to ask how, the height of the three is wildly inconsistent xD
Damn, he's so right...
Ha, trying to equal status. Someone feels small haha
Sure, he's certainly not doing it to keep his clan safe and let the others take any losses...
Eliminate "seems", adding Kurama with Nawaki is a recipe for disaster.
I give it a week before it explodes and that's being very generous.
If people complain about something free, you can tell them they can take their criticism for... or ignore them. Most people will enjoy what you do or be understanding, but there are always some who feel they have to speak their mind because they lack self-esteem, are just plain idiots or bitter. It's easy for them to criticize, but you won't see them doing anything to help. My advice is to give zero value to their words and if you find more in the future, just delete or report them.