you know. a good hidden achievement would be scaring the hell out of Batman by scaring I mean like a jump scare that would leave him in surprise
I mean there is dokibird and maidmint
cuz he is just copying it from another fic in fanfiction .net called the fake player
just a thought. it would be cool if you could have Gil go to a museum after the invasion of new York and see the stones that told his legends to the world. would give it a whole new meaning to see the legend himself view how his legend is shared throughout history. keep up the good work btw
was also gonna say it when i saw the synopsis. isn't the OG author kinda active?
The name is a demon lords hero in fanfiction.net
pls credit the original author of this fic
this is a demon Lords hero from Fahad09 from fanfiction. net
So what I'm getting here is that Merlin is Jesus
but good luck on this ark tho