🔥🔥🔥 lol. You do you author-san. From the chapter titles, the author notes, to the minute details in each and every chapter, your efforts can clearly be see. You could've just translated the original Chinese story like everyone else but you've always gone above and beyond. I'm sure the readers appreciate that, as I surely do. So, don't listen to them nay sayers and you do you, FIGHTING!!
This is some Bo Burnham level stuff lol
This is not foreboding at all lol
And you, this is for you lol
Those are some memorable characters lol We have Jimmy "All You Can Eat" Buffet, his brother Giovanni Ravioli, and the boss, Luigi Spaghetti Margheriti!
The part where he drinks the fluid which can give an inanimate statue life but he still feels dead inside.
Lets not forget the iconic Shawarma lol