I was going to a flight 4 hours and I saw this novel “Wow” i thought this has sone nice reviews and so i downloaded it and went on the flight, the begenning was okayish but then it started plummiting, being on that flight became painful, the character was so shallow and every single character that was a female became part of some wierd harem if i could meet this author I would look straight at them and tell them that their story was one of the most painful expierences of my life. I have read some other marvel fanfiction and it was a chinese novel, even though it was translated it had better grammer then this, every third sentence has a gramatixal error and it was so bad I had to take time to figure out what the author was saying, and I read chinese webnovels! All in all avoid this and to the person who wrote this, I want you to know your work has genuienly made a person suffer.
Ima clear things Up and say that he won 6000$ converted and this makes sense considering this is a different currency
Ima just say out of all of this, the fact that he could get a name that has no numbers is the least realistic thing.
Dude is the author sucking you? Why tf you so defensive?