Best Naruto fan fic I ever read , it's even better than the original in some points, the only thing I feel is missing is that there's no romance in it till now
!!!Warning!!Warning!!Warning!!! This novel contains Chinese nationalism in a very heavy way.Especially after the first 300/400 chapters of the novel.The mc travels to one or two Chinese worlds then a normal world, and so on. If you can't handle this, this novel is not for you.
I really liked this , it was very enjoyable and exciting in the beginning although the plot twists decreased after the fourth arc, the story remained good, the end was also satisfying enough, it is a very good experience, I recommend it if you wanted HP fan-fic
Thank you Hex, I trusted you and waited for the end and you did not disappoint me. Now that Hiruzen is saved who turned out to be the second fan favorite , I am waiting for an explanation of what happened in the upcoming chapters.
I see many negative comments on this chapter (which I honestly agree with some of their content), but I have to say to you guys, do not rush to judge what happened or the future direction of the story. Wait till the end of this arc or at least the end of this battle before you judge it. The author gave me a wonderful story which I consider the best Naruto fan-fic out there, It even outperforms the original in some points. So I'm willing to trust him and wait to see what will he do before Express any negative opinion I have about what happened.
Fugin is following a famous quote by Al-Hajjaj ibn Manzar : "أني أرى رؤوسًا أينعت وحان وقت قطافها" In English: "I see heads ripe for the picking"
I want more moore moooore 😋😋😋
Did the writer abandon this?