I like the cute things ❤️ and I’m addicted to reading to the point where it affects my life!! Yeah! 😋 And my Wattpad is Sunday_Breakfast if you want to check it out!
drop kick Bambi till he’s bald
I’m confiscating from Matthew the hands and banana that hurt this cutie cuz he won’t be needing them where he’s going
all the old married couple comments are spot on
Please don’t let anyone walk in on them 😁😂
yah I like her 😎👍🔥
honestly even in death they shouldn’t have let those two foreign espers keep their dignity by withholding their name
hmmm 🤔 I sense a misunderstanding but I’m still uncertain how much is misunderstood
it doesn’t seem like a very bright idea to meet a dude who is always trying to screw you over before an important match ngl
respect kinda. buddy knows what he wants even though he knows it’s bad for him