EewbiN Author Game Designer (In Prog) And always end up being back to square one!!!
The novel is on a long pause, and I don't know when I can start writing it again. There are so many things going on with me that as of now I cannot really concentrate on this novel now. Probably as soon as I graduate (months), I can at least start concentrating back on this story.
I dont want to drop it no matter what but because of how things are currently for me, it's kind off hard for me to upload the chapters regularly. But now I am trying to find a way to do all things at one go. However, thank you <3
Umm he was then guided by Keigo through the war, but he never got any bookish knowledge or something
Umm sadly it's not the dragon emperor
After her death, he had no time because the war broke out in the continent.
True tho hehe
Because of his incomplete mana core, he couldn't initiate strong magic or spells. Most likely he was a T2 mage. And also why he never thought of learning Sword arts was because of his pride but he did learn the basics when he was in the war because he had no other choice.