Why would you even want to know about me :/
To be honest, novels bearing this kind of theme don't suit my cup of tea. I would always prefer an epic rather than those that lean more towards psychology such as this one. So, I can't judge whether or not this novel is excellent in terms of psychology nor philosophy. With all of that said, however, what I can judge is how I felt when I read this novel. Although the author has a unique way of using words to convey his feelings, experiencing them wasn't that pleasant. The random number that appeared throughout the chapters bugged me a lot. I would also prefer for the author to use more punctuation marks. If commas were added, I think I would be able to enjoy it more. Also—I have no idea if this is grammatically correct or not—this was the first time that I saw someone using "?." to end a sentence. Though, bear in mind that this comes from an adolescent teenager that would prefer an epic compared to contemporary literature. Thank you for reading! Although I would question why anyone other than the author would read this.
This is for all the people petitioning :O
it...actually worked...
the petition actually worked?! sakdskadwo sjniand js jkaos joajsjo ao ojs asa sj sajo sjo sa oj jk okok k o ko ko kk k o ko ko kok ok o k kok ok
oh god the government are spying on all of us