sia bagong Gareng Petrus semar
mantap penulis, novel yang sangat baguss sekali xixixixi
mantap novel bagus lainnya, saya harap penulis tidak berhenti menulis ceritanya tolong, soalnya bagus banget novelmu!!
Your novel is good author, I hope it doesn't stop in the middle of the road like your other novels xD
Yes author, I hope your novel does not stop halfway, and I hope that your novel in the next chapter is full of very cool surprises and has a story full of meaning and fun.
🫸🫷🫱🫲🫵🫳🫴🤌🫶🫸🫷 kuchiyose no Edo tensei uekshdkdbesksj good novel
too many things are changed, it's better that you're a writer to make your own novel, than you make a fanfic novel with a lot of altered stories, you're just a stupid writer who doesn't know where it is, as a game of thrones fan changing stories too much is something i hate, no wonder your novel is so quiet
lucu sekali, apakah penulis tidak tau cerita aslinya bahwa jon Snow itu anaknya lyanna Stark dengan rhaegar Targaryen? sungguh kacau sekali novel fanfic ini, terlalu banyak yang berubah, tidaak heran novelmu sepi, lebih baik kau hapus novel ini, dan buat novel pribadi, dari pada membuat novel Fanfic cerita orang lain yang banyak kau rubah, kontol sekali penulis autis dan bodoh ini!
halo kalian semua pembaca yang budiman, kirim saya power Stone dan saya akan memperbarui bab bab yang lainnya okee terima kasih xD semoga harimu Menyenangkan xixixi
A stupid and stupid fanfic novel is to turn a male character into a female, is the author so desperate to create a novel that it is necessary to change the gender of the character? or is this author an autistic person who has a ridiculous fondness? i really don't know that most people like you can live in this world with abnormal fetishes, really if the author lives with me i'd better kill you to reduce the autistic people and idiots in this world