jesus i could deal with the whole severus and lily thing because it felt like he was kinda growing but the first mission with ashley is so boring nothing happens and he is just walking on eggshells around her because she doesn't like women like can you not
this is literally just a direct copy from I am the fated villain
the first 30 is chapters are good then it gets to the fight scene with angelica and it goes downhill and he is so weak compared to other people I am really questioning if he tried at all to be stronger or is just saying that its infuriating
Honestly the whole plot is really weird and the main character is a coward for most of the time, his sister also sexually assaults him and others on many occasions it’s just weird and probably the writers fetish or something
It’s a fun and entert story though it would be better if more punctuation was used as it reads like a block of text rather than a story.