it's not bad persay but It's Not good either It's near impossible to connect to the book cuz of how it's written, Like every other word is capitalized Poor flow, Good idea, Good plot,rather Stable thou MC should give Saber Avalon When Saber had both Avalon and Excabulir she never lost not to mention legend and myth bonuses She could use it about 500 percent better than the MC at least probably even higher than that
Illya and Miyu are probably the Only 2 servants That can Not only 100 Percent support themselves but give Mana to their master for they have the Mana Replenishment skill due to their very Orgin as a Caster coming from Their Mystic Code with contains a Fragment of the 2nd True magic
Tbh the list changes every season of the original with 3-5 staying from the last/previous season Not to mention when Alien force came out and suddenly he had like 42 at once even if he used like 35 of those like once total and never again
did that actually get shadowbanned... wow... just wow.... if it did I'm not bothering typing that again nor screenshoting it
wowza that's confusing anyway Greymatter Have Insane Natural Intelligence at birth Brainstorm has Insane Processing Power and they grow smarter with age Gremlin or whatever has Insane Creative Intelligence with a rather low IQ though they can build but they don't understand how they did it Upgrade is a AI based lifeform with access to Most of the Universes Tech
also Brainstorm The twos Intelligence are equal or near equal Brainstorm overall are less Intelligent but Have Higher Potential Intelligence Brainstorms Grow smarter with age starting out with more Computation Power than earths entire Grid at birth Honestly Brainstorms Have Higher Processing power but lower Creative thinking that grows stronger with age while Greymatter are Born with their preschool class being comparable to a Doctorate professor here but brainstorm also gets Electric attacks from Thier brains being so strong and static with so many that they can Generate legitimate Lightning from their brain neurons Gremlin? Not entirely sure the name While he's IQ isn't high He's a Genius at Creative Tech He can build a Plasma cannon from a TV a remote and a few misc matches in like 30 seconds Besides these 3 Upgrade could count possibly for a 4th and that's like all that are ABOVE human intelligence sure some are above human but not to the point humans stand no chance intellegencly speaking
Honestly though a 2.5 percent tax on tea and we Rebeled against the British government yet here we are today with a 42 percent tax give or take based on which state you live in its a miracle we havent rebeled yet
fair Thou fact Remains It was a lot of luck and alot of sheer willpower Had it not been for luck It's estimated it would have taken him 12 More years to create electricity thou considering Tesla actually created it even before then with the alternate current in the US we use Einsteins electricity It's much more stable if we used AC in the us Power Surges would happen about 60 percent more if you want to talk about his theory's anyone can make a theory not to mention he spent like 15 years Editing them chanhing something here Deleting a large chunk there ect that's not super intelligence that's regular levels~ within a few points and enough willpower to recreate the Boston tea party 😅
Honestly speaking I Actually wanna see a damn fanfic where Riser wins And Serchichz is either killed by the other 3 Satan's or He kills Riser Creating a 2nd Devil Civil War or something along those lines all of them have potential yet none have been done for doing any of them is to go off the beaten path into the wilderness of the unknown
Nah she's still evil her entire Peerage is Full of Trauma people she took advantage of Manipulation still falls under the "Evil" Category Not to mention She Openly supports Slavery But she Is Less Evil than other devils no doubt she's still evil Riser is shown to simply be Mentally Broken which I probably would be to after dealing with her behaviors for 13~ Years