I mean I agree it’s nice to have the background, but like he also could’ve said all of this the first time instead of repeating himself for the word count js😅
What’s wrong boss? Too much for ya boss?🤣🤣
They probably just wouldn’t sell any that could improve him any further.
Yesss could not agree more lol
It did say her ability was “slight control over the wind” which took minimal effort to move an arrow throughout the air, she just couldn’t change the arrow’s direction at like a 45 degree angle :/
I absolutely love how detailed and interconnected your other pov’s are and definitely feel like they add to the story as a whole as well as give a refreshing change of pace with different skill levels and really just cement how far the mc has come. (: keep up the great work and thank you for such an amazing story!!
I thought the leaves stayed still because the forest was a simulation..👀
Then why didn’t he receive exp from getting stepped on and slapped by the lycans???