I will be continuing jiraiya after March next year.
Its perfect. Golden finger is nice. MC is likable.
nice.. I like this author just for this..
noted, grandpa.
you misunderstood. I didn't mean we were debating. I am clear on that. I just meant below 25 is great age to be and debating in general is good now.
if you are approaching 30 or above 30 and still think what you think, you might have some thinking to do. if you are below 25, no worries, debating is good..
poor countries need propaganda to develop.
try thinking without going to extremes first. then reason. you might might find merit in propaganda and lack of freedom in individualism. I am from a very poor country. I know my country is not developing because of too early arrival "non nationalistic" ideal. there are places that need propaganda.
you are viewing world through western lenses. individualism is a western virtue.