I hope he doesn’t join a peerage. He should join the Grigori and form a team like Slash Dog. But….. If you decide to have him join a peerage do something VERY different and have Ajuka notice him and his unique talents and join his peerage!
Luna Lovegood, Tracy Davis and Hanna Abbot.
I’m a 20 year military veteran who worked a lot with special operations and I just wanted you to be aware that the army special forces members would never call themselves a green beret. They never really liked the term but really hate it now as the beret has lost meaning now that every Tom Dick or Harry in the Army and Air Force wears one.
Why hasn’t he even attempted to look at his system shop?
I know the movie only shows Azazel teleporting, but he has so much more to his powers than that. I hope you use all of it.
She is overweight, which is fat. She’s just not obese.
You have it backwards, lightning, defeats, earth, wind, defeats, lightning.
PLEASE WRITE MORE CHAPTERS! This is such a good premise for a story and very original too!
A really great premise for a story as it is very original from anything else I have found. Most people who do a marvel story as you start on earth as a mutant. But starting in space as a Kree, I have never seen before. The inclusion of a system while used quite a lot is always a fun power for characters and Star Wars seems to blend very well with the environment he is in.
I think if you are going to change his race the way you stated it, evolved, human, is the best way. Later as he discovers his sub-class you can then be more specific with his evolution. That way it evolves with him. Conversely I think you should keep him just a human magician. Then have him become a contractor to the Darkness Spirit King just like in the anime Stigma of the Wind. That could be his sub class even. This could be a way for him to grow his own team as well. The spirits of the natural world of magic all gain contractors. With this, they could all just be a team or you could possibly even spin it into a new faction. That way he gets to stay on his own either way and not be pressed into joining the devils or fallen angels or anybody else. I hope you like my ideas!