I haven't finished reading all the available chapters, but I don't think it's my type of novel. It feels more of a slice of life story; there doesn't seem to be an over-arching plot nor does the main character have a particular goal he's reaching for so the reader also has nothing to look forward to. The only measurement of growth is the game's level system, and even then it's only strength/game based rather than character development. Other than wanting to be lazy, the main character doesn't have much going on for him. He feels very flat. I think you're not supposed to read this hoping to root for or relate to the main character. Instead, you are supposed to call upon your inner gossiping old lady and enjoy the story like you're hearing a scandalous affair. In other words, don't think too hard about it and just enjoy the antics.
The translation quality is good. I haven't seen any grammar or spelling mistakes. As for the story, so far, it is very slow. There is not much action happening. The main character does not really seek out her stepson, and she meets her husband face-to-face around chapter 30-ish. So, if you are expecting fluffy and sweet moments early, then you might find yourself disappointed. In addition, the main character's personal goals or actions don't happen fast as well. She plans to establish a shop to get her own source of income separate from her rich husband; it is introduced near the very beginning, yet 40 chapters in, it's still not open and she hasn't done anything with it. To put it in a more nicer way, most of the story so far focuses on fleshing out the characters--meaning introspection and internal monologue and exposition, but they don't really take any action. I don't think the romance aspect is going to come very soon. I do enjoy how the story does establish the goals or desires of the main character and the stepson (seeing how the father is only introduced much later, he doesn't have enough time to flesh out his character). The main character's goal is to earn money so that if anything bad happens to her, she won't be hurt. The stepson seems in want for parental affection, especially from his father. One thing I don't understand is why the main character isn't more sympathetic to the stepson. Even if she's not treating him bad, as a person who has been in a similar situation (of having divorced parents and gaining step-parents), you would think she'd be more empathetic with him instead of ignoring/avoiding him. I do think the story uses dramatic irony well. People misinterpreting the main character's actions to mean she's a very kind person especially towards her stepson did get a chuckle out of me.
i'm not super knowledgeable about how this stuff works, but why couldn't he just have made the patent public domain? even if multiple companies had the technology, they're still private companies and subjected to private goals and intentions. Also, why not the government? i guess the military kind of counts as the government in this world, but i'm assuming the military is more focused on security and warfare rather than public infrastructure. if the local governments at least had access to the portal tech, then portals could become a form of public transportation, which would probably be a significant boon to society. what was his goal with choosing just the military and private companies?
Because the primary energy is called Force, I keep thinking of Star Wars. The protagonist has a general goal of becoming stronger, but not much other motivation, so the story's a bit dry. But I guess it's still entertaining, especially since the protagonist is shameless (he has to be, with his system). Honestly, it kind of reminds me of Monster Paradise.
Do we have intelligence?
I doubt the USA and the Europeans would allow this to happen
Kind of off topic, but why doesn't Kakashi attempt to use Lightning Chakra Mode? Not in this fanfic (i think in a previous chapter it was mentioned that he used something similar to Raikage's Lightning Chakra Mode) but in canon, why does he not do something similar? Is it because of his small to average chakra reserves?