really love this story update is pretty stable though i wish the chapters would be a bit longer other than that it is a really good story wanted to ask if our mc will ever have any meeting that does not end in a fight with members of other races wanted to see how that meeting would go
plz upload soon again
just had the idea that if mc can control water can he control water molecules in clouds to control and create lightning its just an idea not sure if it will work that way or not
i am waiting for the story plz post soon................................................................................................................................................................................
really good story plz keep on continuing this and do not drop it i have seen many great fics being dropped all for different reasons but all of them made me feel really bad so plz do not drop this
really nice story so close to meeting ash cant wait for the next chapter plz post soon and do not drop this fic it is really good i mean it am really surprised that it has not received more reviews
really nice fanfic really hope that you continue this and do not drop this in the future also it is great that mc will eventually become a researcher travelling through very region again and again for gym badges like ash is kinda boring one request do make the mc lose sometime so as not to make him too overpowered and allow room for growth
plz post soon cant wait for next chap wonder how meeting between mc and protagonist will be plz do not drop this it is too good to be dropped
this is an amazing story can't wait for more chapters also can't wait till mc actually catches a legendary or mythical plz post soon !!!!!!!!!
this is a really good story cannot wait till the mc meets ash he does exist here right? weill if TR trio exist he should too hope you get more positive reviews in future