A lazy, stubborn food lover. Reading is my addiction, while writing is my passion. Hope you guys will check out my story Harmony. Wattpad/Twitter: Ethereal_98
This story is one of the most interesting ones I’ve read yet! I’m not even done yet I’m already hooked. Well done author and I can’t wait to read more.
I dont usually ready fantasy story but this one sure is an exception. The prologue alone really captured my attention and I couldn’t stop reading. Well done and keep on writing author
Such a compelling story!! So interested to know what will happen next. From the synopsis to Li Feng to the actual story I’m very intrigued. We’ll done author keep on going.
I’m Still not yet done reading but I have to say this story is amazing! With the top notch vocab and perfect writing I couldn’t Get enough. Well done author and keep on writing
I’m still not done yet and I honestly am hooked. Will surely recommend this book. Well done author. It is such a relatable story with her being a student and all, also with her parents choosing everything for her.
Im only on the first chapter and i have to say this is very interesting. Well done to the author
Such an interesting story! Well done to the author i’ll surely highly recommend this story. keep going.
Such a good book! Well done author from the way its written to the characters. very good! Keep the chapters coming author
Whoa! just like many others i simply cant get enough! Such an interesting book. Well done author, not many stories grab my attention but yours surely did. highly recommended!
This is such an interesting story!! From the plot to the characters, Simply fantastic. cant wait to read more