sly marbo is A tier if not S
how to survive in WH40k while being a normal human? easy become sly marbo.
in Britain not all Wizarding world
sorry if I sound condescending I'm not 😅
um...the middle ages were peaceful? most advancement were made in the middle ages? do you know what other name the middle ages are known by? the dark ages. most advancement were made in the 20th century which is recognized as the bloodiest century in history. BTW I'm not saying that no advancement were made in the middle ages as the printing press was actually created in the 15th century just not most.
holy sh!t your knowledge is extremely biased against Islam were do you get it from?
civvies? basic dregs? lots of derogatory terms used here. anyways. genin corps is fanon. no civilian ninjas? a civilian ninja is someone who is not part of a clan, that includes Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Minato, Sakura, Gai's father,Gai, Lee, Tenten's father and Tenten. have a good day.