Was all of that really necessary?
They don't know that she mated and was marked by him. He could tell them that they had relations but not that he marked her. He's saying that he could tell them that she's no longer a v*rgin but has no mate.
Soren's scent was on her when he showed up.
I would say that Ida is 24 years old.
I think she mated with the one whom she didn't recognize. Theo sees a way out of there, and she volunteered to take him with her. He has no idea that she thinks they mated the night before.
I think Theo found her alone and thought she was drunk, so he made sure that she got back to her room. I don't think he's the one who she mated with. I think it was the one who she didn't recognize. Theo's mask was silver. The one she mated with was wearing a black one.
I agree.
Kelly, how is she in heat if she doesn't have a wolf?
Yeah, I'm confused about that, too.
I think it could still be Soren.