

2021-02-27 加入Global




  • Kratossonofzeuz
    Kratossonofzeuz3 months ago

    The story isn’t bad it was quite good in the beginning but the story got stale or boring because everything was a community vote i dont have a problem with 1 vote if the writer was having a hard time with something but this author used it a bit too much for my taste the story was getting predictable because everything was voted on in the previous chapters Example the story was going in the direction that he was going to have multiple love interest but in but the community voted against it while i dont have a problem with that my problem is that the author steers the story in that direction just to have a vote on whether should i do this or that and then he does the same thing again all that build up just to just walks everything back its like a multiple choice simulator but the choice are controlled by twitch chat this is just one example as I dont Want to make this spoiler heavy Note : i dont mind votes but i feel like its a cheap way to try to please everyone i just want the writer to write his kind story i dont want a story where its just bland

  • Kratossonofzeuz
    Kratossonofzeuz4 months ago

    First of all i am going to say is this is a good read with a good translation and update rate. I read the other translation on this site while it was okay there were some glaring problems such as the names and the translation quality isn’t that good and the same goes for the update rate. This novel doesn’t suffer from any of those issues or any major issue but there is one issue i hope the translator fixes its the chapter number its started being mismatched after chapter 90 i hope you can fixed

  • Kratossonofzeuz
    Kratossonofzeuz5 months ago
    回復 Ron_Dera

    I read it i think this is google translated weird why did he write it in arabic

  • Kratossonofzeuz
    Kratossonofzeuz2 years ago
    回復 Axes

    Listen man just do a bit of research Before coming to conclusion if your talking about killing isn’t the usa the expert how many countries have the usa destroyed and ruined to name a few because there is too many too count even the land that you guy live on is taken by force and the people that lived there either become your slaves or get slaughtered and thats hust your land if we talk international Then we can write a book just about America massacring people to name a few countries on the list of the many countries destroyed and devastated By the usa because they are backwards and stupid and we Americans are always right why because they are backward so we should free them how by boming them because thats the American way anyway back to naming countries “Freed from their backward lives by the great people of America the heros of the world” Syria a peaceful county “freed “ by the usa by taking down their leader and putting one the USA chose as a leader then this guy kill peopleto keep power and then what you have a civil and a “free” country that suffers from famine And death . 2. iraq America said that they have weapons Of mass destruction so they went to war killed lots of people innocent or not didn’t matter after having their fun in iraq they stayed thier for a bit then just left the country ruined i mean “free” Side note : even though they said iraq has weapons of mass destruction they found nothing at all , And doesn’t America have weapons of mass destruction and they used it too the only country to use nuclear weapons on another country is as everone know our heroes the United States of America so they could free the japanese people of horoshima and nagazaki from living under a oppressive country . Also you say that in the Middle East women are oppressed and if they teach they are killed i think your talking about afghanistan which also is a country ruined i mean freed by the hero the world doesn’t deserve thats why they heve extreme views most of the terrosist your talking about have come from countries freed by you guys you just come in whatever county destroy it and then leave it ruin and then when they become terroist it suprise you and then you they just backwards they are backward because you guy just keep getting in their way Secondly most countries in the middle East treat women fairly and im saying Fairly not the same as a man because equal doesn’t mean fair all women can go to university and study anything they want in some countrys for free And get any job she wants and if the women in the middle east dont go out naked and wear hijab doest mean they are oppressed they wear it because they choose to think of what a chruch nun wears are they oppressed And lastly if you read all this then which i think you won’t before judging other countries just go and read what has the usa done and try to get unbiased sources

  • Kratossonofzeuz
    Kratossonofzeuz4 years ago

    I only tried this novel because it was Ranked pretty high The only thing i can say about it is that it is a really bad and boring i finished about 220 chapters the time the mc just tries to solve everybody’s Problem and i thinks a only 1 month has passed its pretty slow and the whole time they are in school