One of the best novels I ve read so far…. Jonathan with his preppy, posh style and Maddox with his carefree attitude make me fall in love with them😍… also their friends are freakin awesome…
I’m usually the type to get bored really fast but this diary of a young teenage alpha is anything but boring. Each chapter, each character, each set up and each struggle Sam face’s is really well detailed and explained😍. Hoping to see more of our cute … sorry ‘scary’ alpha and her family and friends 😜
All the trouble are attracted to you… or should I say you attract trouble
Betamen bullet proof vests come in handy all the time… book now itself
One sec my eyes were wide open and the next I was laughing out loud seeing the A/N
U really missed out on our expressions like you said… 😜
I hope Ki is fine… Stooopid Alpha James, why gotta mess with Alpha Princess
I sometimes want to open up Bell’s brain and take a peek to see what he’s thinking 🧐
Hard work leads to success… all the best Maddox 😍