I love writing novels, learning design graphics, and singing. I like pizza and hot coffee. Also, I'm a big fan of anime and games.
Happy Reading!![img=recommend]
Hope you like the story so far. please give it a review or comment about your opinion, and give it a vote if you like!
Hello! it's the author. I hope you enjoy the story. please give this story your opinion in the review or comment section. and please give it a vote if you like the story. Thank you!! Happy Readings!![img=recommend]
Nice story. The fight is very epic. I love this kind of genre. I always looking for martial art story that had a really epic fight. and this book gave it. thank you so much, author.[img=recommend]
Thank you so much!![img=recommend]
Thank you so much!![img=recommend]
Thank you[img=recommend] so much!!
Hi! I'm the author of this Fan-fic. please Vote, Review or Comment if you like so that I know you guys want more chapters of the story!! Please also read my original Novel, "Fantasia: The Adventure of Al". The first four chapters already out so... Check it out!! Happy Reading everyone!!
Don't forget to check mine! Title: Fantasia: The Adventure of Al
Nice Story. The Storytelling is really calm, not too fast or too slow. The Grammar is pretty good too. The characters flow with the situation is the charm of this story. Nice one![img=recommend]