I'm secretly a Great Old One who's reading for fun
All of this is a Reasonable Development
Actually this is exactly the case. The CW had foreseen his death but was already accommodating multiple sefirah so he would inevitably fight against GA. Since GA ripped off error and door was lost in the Death pathway which resulted in gregrace birth, the wounded sefirah Castle couldn't resurrect people properly with the beyonder characteristics. Don't forget EG was a transmigrator yet she was resurrected without either fool, error or door. Yet when Sefirah fixed itself, it had the curtain which EG tossed away Both Roselle and EG were from sefirah Castle. don't forget before klein were two cocoons? They were there and were suppose to inherit characteristics just like him. The first two tries were too damaged and by the third EG messed it up
That was supposed to happen but here's the thing, he can only resurrect properly in beyond characteristics. EG was the first try but because he tried to accommodate ROED and he fought with Primordial One she was born in the darkness pathway and the error characteristic that was supposed to be hers was held by ASG. Then with roselles turn the death ancient god was born with the door characteristics that was supposed to be his so he came down empty. Finally for Klein EG tampered his food characteristics far away.
Hmmmm I mean he could've done so through any of his soldiers since they can call upon his power even when he's dead, but its just as likely one of his minions descendants formed it, still worshipping true creator.. then maybe some outer deity corrupted them and cause them to spiral off. likely the city of Calamity searching for vessels
Hail Mighty Overlord. He most beloved
I said harems. it would jus the imprisoning the grade 3 harem system in mysitwues world. I'll tolerate fluff
Simple solution, get one being to represent hare's then imprison them in one of Mystiwues world. the world is a better place just like that
Harem protagonists are truly selfish, possessive, hypocritical and self righteous. "My Women" they say treating the women as glorified objects. All the more reason to kill Fluff and the romance genre. Best to wipe out both system and egenre reps of this concept
Spin the Blood God's Masterpiece Quilt!
There's already Serial Killers Devil Hunt