As the smartest sister is was sad to see her get paired with this guy, like he isn’t even that dumb he does it on purpose
I like the fact sometimes they pop up when someone says this
Some please tell her not to braid her hair and wear it over her shoulder
Bro that’s his ex girls little sister. He still talks about her death. He should be going crazy right now
Maybe Lith doesn’t know or Tezka is just way stronger and can detect things he can’t yet. But how Lith talks about philoria still I would assume he would be pissed someone would try to harm her little sister.
I hate night, but she would kill him
Bro please let him just end up dying anti climactic like. There have been villains I want to see get beat up and then there are some I just wish we can move past.
I’m still scared of the red flag one of the saplings talked about that he will have to make a choice, to burn everything or “heal it “ I guess.