Of all the times to get the man’s name wrong!!🤦🏼♀️😤😡
Wish someone would bug this room! Would save all kinds of trouble.
I knew it! Never willing to miss an opportunity to act!🙄🤍🪷🍵
Good girl. You can completely heal from this. And move on. Find a better man. Or no man at all, is still far better.
Please truly give up on this jerk! And expose that b!tch! Make him see what an utter fool he has been for so long!
Wow! Even if you got the man you wanted, this is too magnanimous.😒 I can’t understand still having such feelings for a man that has treated you so badly. His words and actions, should’ve made her wake up a long time ago. If not all these years, the most recent stuff is pretty bad. Who wants a man like that?! Gross! Was hoping the guy who took her to the hospital would be the male lead. Seems much better. Really keep hoping her ex just ends up with regret. He doesn’t deserve her. Let him keep getting played. He doesn’t have a brain anyway. Wake him up if you want, by exposing the fakes. But, in the end, walk away to a new life!
Well, that took long enough!!!! FFS!!😤
After the whole drugging her bff incident, I find this hard to believe.🙄 Sad, because otherwise, I thought she was a great friend. I could never trust someone who did that to me, again! Never. Forgive? Fine. Trust? No way.😒