nice loads of details on transcendent wheels
Oh, so evil. Teasing her like that. It is like he wants to get dragged before the council for punishment.
....I believe that it would be beneficial for the three of us to...together...the addition of Nadia would be even more beneficial.
Yes, she does 2 girls and one boy. Opposite of Nadia.
The lady doth protest too much. Also, the bunny just went out and collected the entire set for Davis. If he would just realize the little twist in other's fates he makes have a positive outcome for him most of the time. paragonmon gotta evolve em all.
...after all, he reserved a number for you.
Translation: She only has eyes for her brother. Guessing the turtle frowned or something before becoming a blood fountain.
Not necessarily. But yes it does seem like little if any movement in that direction has happened in a while. but we are are the cusp of foxy evolution and taking a bite of cherry fairy
and the prodigal wife returns. Thought the tribulation might be because of his wife giving birth at the end of the last chapter. Nice one Stardust.