This is a great read, well written and story plot on point. I really hope that alex will one day learn to stand up for himself, he doesn't deserve the ill treatment he gets from people he's such sweet guy. Nice one author, keep it up. I recommend everyone to give it a try.
Wow im sold, this is one of the rare books i always read up until the end. Everything is on point, Alexander is quite the character i must confess,he has those tempers that infuriate me but manage to allure one into reading more. I loooove it, it's well written and such an eady read. keep typing author your work is amazing.
A good read with an amazing story line, its easy to to read and story is just flowing. Would recommend people to give it a try, its quite interesting. Good job Author
This is a good read with a sad beginning, authors did a good job with potraying characters feelings and emotions. Good d job Author keep typing.
This is a great read with a beautiful story line, the plot and character description is on point so I'll add to see follow through and see what happens between Charlotte and Tom. Good job Author keep typing.
A great read that's well plotted and written, author did a great job with introducing and describing her characters. Story is flowing and draws one to read for more. Good job Author keep it up.
Such a sad beginning that one can diffinitely relate to, this is a great read that needs a lot of tissues when reading as author did a good job while describing the emotions. I love it. Good job Author keep typing.
Hmmm... No words could really describe how i feel about your book. This is a must read, well plotted and written. Author is really creative, your boom is just flowing and bugs one to read more. I read the first book in one go and finished it... Just wow. Keep typing author,i love it.
Title of the book is catchy and drawing itself, a great read with a well plotted story line and good character description. Good job Author keep it up
Wow... This is one hellova good read, Your synopsis is on point and the book is just alluring one to keep reading for more. The whole jayda(karma) part really got my attention, i just love how you wrote the whole thing. Damn author your work is magnificent, just keep typing and we'll do the reading.