

2021-01-04 加入Global







Going Back In Time

Well, if someone told me reincarnation was real, I would laugh in their face. I would have said, Reincarnation are all dreams of losers, me included, who are not content with their life and want to escape reality. Many people would be happy to travel back in time, but I wasn't. Why reincarnate in this world of suffering when you are already dead? I've read a lot of novels about people reincarnating and being extremely happy, saying "Since I'm back from the future, I'm determined to make a difference in this world". That's some funny stuff they always say. But if they really came from the future, they would know there's no use trying to change the world because it will be the same as before! Let me tell you something: reality is different from fantasy. What people fail to realize is that, when you reincarnate into the past it will be difficult to make a difference in this world. If you are not extremely lucky, what you can achieve is changing your life course from before reincarnation. Let me give you an example if you still don't get it Let's say an average person who struggles every day to get something to eat and doesn't involve himself in the world too much. For example, reading the news, checking forex, and trading. How can a person like this make a difference at the world level? Their only responsibility is not to repeat the same mistakes they made before reincarnation. Ace Raynott, who reincarnated into the past by chance, faces questions about how he can change things when he knows nothing about this world except that he has to survive...

Cosmic_Primordial · 奇幻
2 Chs