I swear, this novel need to be react and made into series by #Kdrama. Its sooooo goooood that i actaully have to stay up late to just read few chapters!!!!
daaaaaaamnnn i knew it!! hahaha
ohh no..noo, wrong move buddy
aaaandd...... thats what he tought 🤣
eating raw is nice too 😉
“he couldn’t tatse”. Does gramps have covid? haha
its what you called “tradition”, i still accept it, 13years of proverty experiences for a billion corporate, sign me in 😆
daaaaamnnnn 😆, i was just getting started to like this novel until i read the “13 years later”, anyways i’ll try to read until i reach the chapter 13, I hope there is no more super timeskip
this is soooo sad but interesting 🧐