Yeah thats a good one.
According to Garrick Ollivander, this was a most curious, multi-faceted wood, which varied greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and took a great deal of colour from the personality that possessed it. The wand of chestnut was attracted to witches and wizards who were skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possessed great gifts in Herbology, and those who were natural fliers. However, when paired with dragon heartstring, it might find their best match among those who were overfond of luxury and material things, and less scrupulous than they should be about how they were obtained. Conversely, three successive heads of the Wizengamot had possessed chestnut and unicorn wands, for this combination showed a predilection for those concerned with all manner of justice. There was an old poem which included this wand wood: "rowan gossips, chestnut drones, ash is stubborn, hazel moans". Garrick Ollivander believed that there was some truth in this rhyme.
I am suprised in such long time no hogwarts student discovered a way to kill or get rid of binns.
Wait is this a copy from a cultivation novel where if you choose any good options you get into a lost of trouble?
She could watch hxh again and again
I need this
Akashi being the weaklink while logical now sound ssk weird
System forgot larrys trash talk
Forgot he was from fairy tail