Is this seriously all this book is about? It was funny the first couple time but we’re 8 chapters in and I see no improvements in gonna bail
Even if it’s trash you need to spend money so why would you be silent on the most expensive item?!?
Absolute favorite story right now!!![img=update][img=update]
He wouldn’t even be able to to talk about about it at all right because of attorney-client privilege? Also the company shouldn’t be able to even have the case because of conflict of interest as they were the council that created the will they’re contesting? Or am I tripping?
I’ve had a question for a while but just ignored it but…what are the tires made of? His whole goal was to make the trip more comfortable but is he using wooden wheels? There was no mention of discovering and making rubber for tires and to me wooden wheels wouldn’t have the grip to be carrying around all the stuff he’s been transporting… sorry if I missed the explanation for this!
So is the village officially named Reborn Village?
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Favorite story I’ve found in here by far! Need more. It’s the exact thing I’ve been looking for and hit every point I wanted perfectly. [img=update]
I have a question… how dare you get me addicted to this story but only have 23 chapters?! I need more!!![img=update]