- Talento é algo que você floresce, instinto é algo que você aprimora. - O Homem forte se defende sozinho, O homem mais forte defende os outros.
How about you do some flashbacks, so far we haven't had any flashbacks in this story, as a reference to One Piece, where there are several flashbacks of the characters? Give Marie a flashback, what are her motivations, why she decided to join the hunters' association, these types of things will have more depth to the characters you are creating, it's just a suggestion, if you don't want to implement this for me, that's fine, it's already good like that.
Creates Homunculi (reference from the game Detroit: Become Human), as his worker assistant, who operates in various sectors, such as production sectors, be they; engineering, technology, science, medicine, cybernetics, economics, computing and programming. And military sectors (reference from the Space Marine Legions, Adeptus Custodes, Astra Militarum, Inquisition from Warhammer 40k)
Seriously why did he do that?
Wait, she's fighting the Dragon Emperor now?!
So far I'm trying to figure out what kind of dragon this is?
You are quite cruel, the original author of the work Overlord was not that evil, to the point of putting his mc in a danger zone when he was transported to the new world
Make an auxiliary chapter that describes the entire structure of your empire, the levels of your army's forces, and what modifications you implemented in this story. It's been a long time since I forgot many things when I followed the story.
How is one of the Tenryūbito families doing here? Here and the other two paragraphs should be from the mc family and not from Figarland
Wow, which image generator did you use to make them? I thought the details and graphics of the images were great.