Watcha doing checking my profile out like this?
I make fun of you for talking like those "alpha male" influencers because they sound ridiculous and, as someone who talks exactly like them, you do to. Your philosphy sounds like a robots, like you would completely abandon your humanity for the sake of some arbiturary goal that wouldn't even matter to you in the end because you would have deemed the very traits that would allow you to value it as "useless" and left them behind. I was just screwing with you in my last few comments because there is no way I can respect the mindset of a robot that just wants to follow an order but lacks the capacity to appreciate it. Someone with a mindset like yours is no better than a calculator. What's the point of your all-important goals if YOU don't even have the emotional capacity to be happy when you accomplish them because you left emotions and everything else behind? That's a robot, that is literally a robot. I'm not going to show respect to someone who themselves couldn't show respect unless it coincided with completing one of their goals, which would inherently make it a means to an end, rather than actual respect.
What? What part of what I said was "microanalyzing" to you? How much effort do you put into reading a comment that you consider reacting to what was said in it "microanalyzing"? My man, if you don't have an argument just say that, you don't have to be weird about it.
Sure bro. Out of curiousity, is it true that your type exclusively refers to women as females and nothing else? Also, do you have posters of The Rock hanging up in your living room?
What is romance? Why is romance? How is romance?
If you're going to use AI, you have to edit it more afterward my dude. AI is REALLY repetitive and uses way too much flowery language, which really screws up the tone of a lot of scenes and only serves to annoy readers when they have to read something they already know for the fifth time but with slightly different wording.
Omniman is living in MC's head rent-free.
Right? It's like an English teacher obsessing over a poet including the word "the" in one of their lines. It works in shows like Baki because the entire point of that series is martial arts, but that doesn't really apply outside of a Martial Arts anime, and always ends up sounding stupid.
Clearly, you don't know how memory works. Your brain will forget things if you don't think of them often enough, and obviously you're not going to be thinking about something too often if you supress your memory of it, thereby you'll forget about it eventually.
I get why they made the characters look like they were in their thirties for the movie now. Watching a bunch of kids with book-accurate ages fight is just so hard to take seriously.
Saying "do tell me" at the start of a sentence always sounds vaguely sinister.