Writer. Actor. Model. I love creating worlds and the characters within them.
Your synopsis drew me in. It was rhythmic and almost to the point of lyrical. I praise your passion in writing. I like the depth and mystery behind Mr. Ronald. Developing him is amazing and I am excited to learn more about him. Once piece of advice: reread your synopsis and edit any grammar/mechanics because it is the first thing people read before reading your book! Great work!
Although this is not my cup of tea and not the genre I typically read, I truly commend your writing ability. Anyone who writer mature content is a patient and passionate writer to me. You have strong vocabulary and strong dialogue. I enjoy your backstory and the plot that is unfolding. Good work. Keep it up!
We have a very interesting and unique plot about a boy who has this cursed superhuman ability where he can't be seen with unhappy eyes and cannot seem to die at all. He has ability to never age to never eat to never die and only happy eyes can see him for his true self. I can't wait to unravel the story of Jayden and the story of a girl named Julie who he apparently loves. Story starts off pretty intense with warnings of suicide. You learn about Jaden's cursed ability and then you learn the life of Juli for a bit. The upcoming chapters will be nothing short of intense and I already am intrigued. you have a way with words that force images into the readers head and you have strong dialogue and character building. This book is a Keeper.
You are a professional writer. Your synopsis was strong. Chapter Zero is funny. Chapter One is so well written its almost seamless. The narrative is amazing, dialect and dialogue. Yout description is immaculate. I am picturing every passage in my head. Keep up the great work. Although this isnt my favored genre, I will add this to my library.
You have a way with words that is very descriptive and almost seamless. All the words flow together flawlessly in each passage, it makes it hard to look away. I love the immense description of both Julia and David. We get this sort of twisted and almost metaphysical description of these two individuals. You describe them with questions and bulleted formats and the use of vivid imagery. You can see both characters right in front of you. I like how your synopsis is also an excerpt from your Prologue, very clever. The writing style is strong making this novel powerful and worth the read. Great work author.
I am honored to be one of your earliest readers and your second reviewer. I have already added this novel to my library. You have a strong, detailed synopsis going into it. It begs the reader to read more. Charles Anthony Oxford and Isabella Shade are incredible names for protagonists; they sound perfect for a movie. Charles seems like a menacing yet charming and strategic man. I want to learn about his financial success and his ex relationship with Isabella. This is going to be a great novel I can already tell. Impressive work. I cannot wait to see your future passages and works.
The way you write is unlike what I have seen before. You truly are a prolific writer and I commend your intricate and descriptive writing style. The story behind Divine is intriguing to say the least. The whole eleventh child endowed with superhuman abilities is the plot of a sci fi / fantasy movie. The title itself is so different than any other, exotic and almost mysterious as it may have an underlying meaning. The prologue has captured my attention. I want to learn more about Divine and his abilities, how it'll affect society. Great Work! Cannot wait to read more.
I need to give this work a pre review before my actual review. I can tell that this novel, and its author, will be succesful. Just from the synopsis and the prologue, it is easy to admit that you are a prolific and superb writer. I mean, the synopsis, so eerie and fantastical, does nothing BUT draw the reader in for more. The dialect and vivid descriptions in just the prologue make me feel like I have teleported to the era of smugglers and paranormal folklore. I commend your writing and have already added to library. You will be receiving more reviews soon. Great work.
You are a prolific writer by the way you story build and express your characters. You write with detail and description. Pros: I know that Axel will be a vital protagonist in this novel. Just by stating that he is an alpha, it shows that he is powerful and well-known. I like his leader ship skills and the narration. He seems pretty powerful but also slides in a bit of hidden humor and honesty. I am also interested in the feud between werewolves and vampires. It was cool to see this novel start in media res as Silvar was killed. Cons: like every young writer including myself there comes a time where we bump into a few grammar and spelling errors. And in both your synopsis and first few chapters there is a bit of those errors which can be fixed by simple re-reading. I am also confused by Selena's character. She randomly was introduced in the synopsis and then abruptly shows up in chapter 1. A quick intro on who she was would help. I give this criticism specifically to be constructive and helpful. We are all young writers who need specific criticisms. This is a well written novel and I commend your writing ability and your world building. I can't wait to
I am surprised you don't have more reviews because this is a well written work. Your synopsis is very different from the rest as it is a different summary than usual. The title is also unique unlike any other I've seen before. You have many chapters all filled with a lot of descriptions and strong character development. I cannot wait to read on . Great work!