I’m around 10-15 chapters in. And I realized I can’t even follow the story because I don’t know what’s happening it’s like I skipped 40-50 chapters. So I restarted and that didn’t help. Honestly I’ll try again in the future and hopefully change my reviews but I doubt it
I think I’m Around 25-30 chapters in and I just can’t Stick with it. Mostly because it’s Just power after power after power. Like I can understand since it’s A time travel Novel. But atm it feels like there’s No substance In there. No actual plot.
A really good series! It sucks its only on trial read. a lot of trail read stuff is better then 90% of the cultivation novels on here anyways.
See this! I just gifted the story: Potion
Now im normally not a fan of the whole cultivation genre but thIs story is just fantastic. Trying to understand the names of All the characters, gods, lands, etc.. does get to be a handful but the author does a awesome job at giving each character a personality. Its a 4.8 cause i feel like he introduceS to many characters at once and it is kinda Painful to remember them all
Solo leveling 100% but You can check The Novel update website for more infomation.
I read in the Comments awhile back when this first started that the translator quit or something. Not to sure how true that is but, It would explain some stuff.
So thats why its showing 11 chapters im unable to read after 100.
Souta use shadowball. Its super effectIve!