Creative Writer. Novelist. And anything behind the scenes. "I am no critic. I merely reflect on the world through imagination." ig: @eruma_sarushiro
READ FIRST: Hi dear readers, author here! I'll be taking a short break from writing to get things going smoothly again. Creating can be tough, so maybe a breather would do to give you all some better quality writing. Also, I'll be taking this time to revise the earlier chapters, so PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THE CHAPTER TITLES AND THEIR NUMBERS BEFORE SUBCRIBING. The chapters' numbers will change soon due to the editing. Again, thank you for all your support! I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
author-sensei, I seriously dig the idea of the neon koi! that's true imagination at its finest 👌
this gave me chills. I really admire you're style of writing, author-sensei
yohohoho! yohohoho!
yet another nomination for parent of the year...
alicization! I see that you're a man of culture as well
wind breathing... first form...
now, this is my type of world...