This is so horrible. I usually don't waste my time writing bad reviews, but this is just too much. I can't believe that every f*cking Chinese author likes this cliche sh*t. No creativity at all. Why translate this trash? This won't bring any popularity and money at all. A waste of time. Webnovel should say a thank you to original authors. The original section is the only hope. Translated works won't keep this sh*t floating anymore. Please give us quality or just stop it.
Edit: The novel is not that good, but not too bad either
The novel is good, but please don't give it bad ratings just because you want 60 chapters instead of 40. The novel has nothing to do with that. You just ruin the ratings of the novel.
Are you telling me he practiced this route? From one cliff to another above a thousands of meters deep ravine? The world can't hold your balls man!
Ty for the review, this novel is on hiatus for now, but I will definitely start again once I finished with my other novel.
no need to make such a fuss over clothing. Let him just buy it. This ain't happening in real life. The novel is good but this scene was overreacted.
I feel like Xiao Meng is secretly a cat.
This novel is interesting. Definitely better than most trial reads. We have a good world background and story development. I usually write super long reviews where I thoroughly analyze the novel,but I won't do that this time. Give it a try and decide it for yourself. Not everyone will like it. You will feel that the execution of the story is not the best sometimes. I'll definitely read it because this novel can keep me entertained. I expected better when I first saw this novel, but I still like it. It just hurts me that such a good story got blended with Chinese things such as Tang dynasty and other chinese elements. I hoped for a full original story...
That one was way better than this.
but I hope the young heiress part will happen too