I'm going now... lol
Some of the humorous situations in the story are just ... well, as an older reader, fun.
Guen. or Garrett ???
ok, finally, back on track for the editing .
Finally, th meal lead appears, again.. now let us read
I know it is another re- born novel ,But, I love them, so , vote!!!
Oo0Hhhh, new plot starting. I am a long time reader of this book and have NEVER been disappointed . I cannot help but feel it is only getting better every month. I am waiting and saddened for the ending , because I know it will be legend .
Uum, no, I want him to get pregnant or better yet she gets pregnant , hehehhheh....evil laughing
Call me , anytime , for more chapters. Love the new plot twists , the men, sunny, her new protector and now , hehe, alpha.