It doesn't seem like they are being mean .They are just expressing obvious distress over the changes. I like many before me have been reading this for a while. It is confusing and I believe unnecessary to change everything this late in the story. Also I know this is a old comment but I had to say something.
Hello Gyles's wolf nice to meet you😁
Ahhhhhh!!!! it's so beautiful. I love all three of them
This is not a drill! It's happening people❤ I love it!
Well...I love the idea of Rex with both of them but it seems that Blue and Gyles want him to pick just one😭
I'm pretty sure you love them both...so they must both be for you❤ Keep both of them Rex😂
It is possible to have feelings for or be in love with more than one person. So yeah go for it Haruki!
uh oh!! lol