I always took my job as writer seriously, because I know the expectations of a reader and I don't want to fail you. Even if all I can give you are some minutes of daily entertainment, I'll do my best.
you mean ninteen seconds passed
it's something from Danmachi. There Ganesha say "I am Ganesha!" costantly
Well yeah this was the concept of the story. MC gets closer with them and once they "bond" they are attached. Lydia's case was particular. She saw this relationshio as something totally pragmatic. She approached it with the intention to bind him to her the earliest possible (sex in exchange for status), MC was at his wits end and understanding her intention, he found out she was great enough. Now i don't remember how this go on exactly, but yeah the sex will help greatly with the bond and while their relationship had a shallow start it will develop later. Anyway I can't refuse your point. I realized later that this fanfic was rather shallow, that an harem fanfic made it quite difficult to write deep relationships and that it makes the protagonist loose depth.
Soulmate bullshit damnit.
I think it's impossible to be undefeatable in a fight, especially with only boxing skills. At best you coukd be granted enough boxing skill to become the strongest in the world, but undefeatable?
nah more like a smart person, who has a kink for acting as a cultivator
the demigod from WW2 who hear him speaking: who is this comunist?
sweet is what allow us to be more resistant than animals, who gets overheated after too much action
netflix could be an option too. Sincerely speaking it sound stupid to not invest on thing given his situation, but it also sounds boring from my point of view an MC becoming filthy rich just by investing in enteprises he already know will succede.