Trust issues boy
Rebellion atau Pedang Sparda?
actually, you're doing exactly the opposite...
Because the MC is am idiot and a virgin in his past life.
What a damn Virgin...
Thor, Untuk Sistem Operasi pada gadget canggih itu, MC saya saranin gak usah dibuat bisa membongkar pasang sistem operasi gadgetnya... karena gak masuk akal aja. kita tau aja kalo sang MC sekarang hanya mendapatkan pengalaman buku komputer di masa ini saja.itu pun masih buku basic nya. Kalo author maksain Untuk sang MC bisa mengkotak-katik, saya saranin aja Untuk nanti pas sang MC mendapatkan Buku tentang teknologi IT masa depan biar lebih masuk akal.
oh, I see... I just think to ride the yellow cloud you have to be pure I mean look at master Roshi he didn't have malicious intent but he still can't ride the yellow cloud. but it's okay that's your story. keep up your good work.
i almost think this is based on Chinese version. Well that's something...
But, it will be different meaning if that quotes translated to Chinese. so isn't telling her that would be weird?
I can agree with this