

2020-08-21 加入Global




  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos0925a year ago

    I just don’t get the reaction everyone has to this like I guess I missed some character development but there seems no way Lux would be happy practically drugging someone to sleep with him. I know he didn’t do the drugging but he still wouldn’t like it. Unless his character is vastly different from what it has been so far he also seems like he would be devastated to sleep with someone without iris and cai knowing about it at least. Plus all this happening with Valerie a sheltered child who doesn’t know what the world is like enough to be asking for this all these relationships being forced to start due to drug induced psychosis feels like a cop out and it’s disgusting to me. Who would be happy that their relationship began because they were drugged wether they wanted the relationship to happen in the first place doesn’t matter. I guess I am just disappointed the author would write basically r*pe cause that’s what this is for all parties involved including Lux none of them are in a state to consent.

  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos0925a year ago

    First off the story is well written and has a very interesting way of being told tell. But, sigh I am sad why does every story that has a really cool premise always have a main character surrounded by tons of misunderstandings. It’s never oh they gain cool powers or a awesome patron now let’s get started they always gain a bad rep. People think poorly of them and they have to hide their abilities though admittedly sometimes for good reason. So personally I am just tired of the use of that trope if that doesn’t bother you it’s a good story so far as I have read and maybe I’ll return once I am less exhausted by the constant misunderstanding story device.

  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos0925a year ago

    Hiding all but the first handful of chapters behind a paywall disheartening and possibly illegal. It’s a very interesting concept but looking ahead and seeing how it’s only on patreon makes not only me turn away from it but will likely turn away many readers who would have been willing to pay for a few chapters in advance. If you’re making the money you want from doing it this way good for you I suppose but a much wider audience could be reached to pay for your writing by posting it freely then charging for advanced chapters.

  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos09252 years ago

    Hope to see it return it was such a good story, very unique as well.

  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos09252 years ago
    回復 Dotencsure


  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos09252 years ago
    回復 Thanatos0925

    Quick add on I get that I stopped pretty early so if it truly does get better I may be convinced to pick it back up and change/delete my review.

  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos09252 years ago

    Finished Ch.14 before review I liked the beginning and what lead to the world change but personally I just didn’t like how constantly tortured the MC was. I get bottom most rung and rising to power but he just seems so utterly useless that other than wanting revenge there doesn’t seem to be any reason for him to be chosen as a demon king candidate. There is nothing to make me want to keep reading, nothing to make me be engrossed by the MC and their story, and no promise to more power anytime soon. Besides that’s my opinion clearly you can believe differently but just know that at least for the first 14-15 chapters it’s rough to get through if it gets any better.

  • Thanatos0925
    Thanatos09254 years ago

    I’m glad for the daily posting but don’t burn yourself out. I would prefer a longer wait between the chapters than that. Loving the story.