Another exciting story from Gaasuja. From the start, I already felt an atmosphere that made me curious. The world-building of this novel is also strong. Keep up the good work, mate.
What I miss about Gaasuja is his pretty wild idea of making books. However, this time the book is a bit generic. No problem, it's just a matter of my taste. The first page already made me curious, but the flow is a bit all over the place. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. For the characters, this is probably one of the strong points of this story, although there are some that I feel are a bit forced. But, keep the good work.
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
The strength of this story is its good characterization. When the potato chip girl appeared, I didn't expect it to be so well written. I thought she would just be an insignificant supporting role. The writer is very good at making good characterizations with minimal background characters.
Masih chapter pertama, tapi maksud penulis membawa cerita ini ke mana sudah kelihatan. Ada kejadian yang cukup tidak terduga, tapi menurut saya terlalu dini.
Kamu harus bertahan Raven! Kadang masalah per-Isekai-an ini lebih pelik daripada dunia nyata! Kamu harus kuat! Ganbatte!!! Nani!? Kansei Doriftooo!!??
Sempet baca sampai selesai di platform sebelah sebelum pindah ke sini. Barangkali pada gak lanjut karena karakternya yang begitulah. Tapi kujamin, pengembangan karakternya bakal bikin kalian invest lebih dalam.
Konsep yang gila! Gak bisa bayangin perasaan Brie ketika ngeliat 'refleksi' dari korbannya itu. Dari jalan ceritanya, gak bisa nebak ending mau bagaimana nanti. Baru baca beberapa bab awal, langsung speechless.