

2020-07-31 加入Global




  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    Typical chinese light novel, everything is stereotypical and makes no sense. A full waste of time. Also, why does every Chinese character in light novels always have the same name? Like Fang, Xia and so on.

  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    he should have said he will stay as long as it isn't an absolute suicide mission! especially since he doesn't know shit about the mysterious viscountess that surely has big suspicious enemies...

  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    yeah I bet one hour for every mage in the residence. good luck with actually talking one second with him. at least that would be the way if this novel were realistic....

  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    what the hell and what does Saleen get when because huh!!? why is Saleen always throwing his money to some people he barely knows and those people take advantage of him every time. I am so annoyed! Saleem looks stupid this way. also, there are many inconsistencies in the story and some small logical mistakes. still, the novel is really exciting I am happy I found this story. hah it is just a bit very annoying that Saleen gifts others so unreasonably without getting anything back most of the time.

  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    Please author, please write on! I check this series every month and now even download this app because I read online that I can read on her with using premium. I know you are discouraged because some idiots say this story isn't good especially at the beginning and it is hard for writers to earn money, your relatives died... life is hard sometimes, I hope you are feeling better now. Please continue arran's story. I loved it since chapter 1. It is one of my few all-time favorites. I told my mother for hours on end about your novel. Actually at the start of the year I wanted to PN you and wish you well and say this novel is awesome and so very well written... but I am a bit shy and didn't do it. I regret that now. I will follow you and continue to check this series in the hope of seeing chapter 420. Ah well I guess you will never read this review. Just know there are so many people out there who read and love your story so much. I made this account to write this to you and upvote this story because it deserves it. This is my first ever review for a light novel. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!

  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    That was just bad, bad, bad! Total crap. I seldomly see such awful storys. The idea could have been good though not really original. But the story as well as characters ended in shit. The author didn't think about the story world nor anything else and that you notice after reading fast. A waste of time.

  • sugar_toxic
    sugar_toxic4 years ago

    I was quite disappointed from this novel. I read this a while ago but I had to drop it just after reading a few chapters. I heard so many great things about this story and Leylin and thought this can't be. In the hope that only the start of the story is this bad I jumped through to some latter chapters but they were just as bad. Too bad, I really love this genre usually.