[...] Necesse est aut imiteris aut oderis.
White lies are still lies, Garett...
That's one kinda weird kid.
What a cliffhanger, Fake.
"A Hunter is a Hunter, even in a dream".
"The Inventor's Burrough constituted the richest part of Lhûn. Its residents being mostly parliament members and royalty." This pharagraph begs the questions: Luxia has a constitution, then? And a landed (or meritocratic only) aristocracy?
Where it all began. All in all, I couldn't have expected for a better start.
He's a lucid man.
So, Luxia is a monarchy?
I'm always for reading an alternate-history novel, and this one reminded me a little of "Agent of Byzantium", by Harry Turtledove, in some ways. All in all, a very solid piece of work. Looking forward to read more.
I mean, they apparently do police work, too.