Currently working on - Godzilla vs. Sonic, Sonic Runaways, Super Mario Continuance (Video Game), Sonic Breakaways (Fighting Game).
Oh this is WONDERFUL. I actually cheered when Surge showed up. Everything in this first chapter is on point, especially the characters.
Hello! So happy that you've been enjoying the story. Every story up until the very end of COPIED (Sonic Heroes arc) is an exact simulation of actual events that happened in the past in the Sonic Runaways universe. After which, the simulation begins to break in stories like 06 and Unleashed. Even those happened in Sonic's reality, just a bit differently. Cyberspace breaking in those stories was mostly to keep them fresh compared to their source material. As for Tails, that's a bit of a spoiler. Regarding updates, I try to make daily updates of chapters whenever a volume/arc is complete, but it can be a bit inconsistent truth be told because of my other projects. I've also been sick lately so I've been taking time off. Thank you so much for all your support!
CONCEPT ART CORNER: Nikki Hedgehog, Sonic's undercover alter-ego!
CONCEPT ART CORNER: Zor the Hexi (Sonic Runaways: STOLEN)!
CONCEPT ART CORNER: The mysterious ladybug girl!
CONCEPT ART CORNER: Professor Dillon Pickle
CONCEPT ART CORNER: The celebrity of the Deadly Seven---?!
CONCEPT ART CORNER: Zazz, the berserker of the Deadly Seven!