it's a joke. clearly your power of imagination is not high enough.
Re read chapter 5. The author says it's a metaphor for when a student learns techniques in the academy. Being able to use it thus unlocking the Chakra.
Do not read Inces pedophila Mc is naruto and author writes s scene with him and his little daughter. I hope some people can see this between all the bot 5 star review spam
golden? odd auto correct meant moment
So first the author wrote fighting without a weapon would be impossible but now it's possible because the author wants it to be so whats the point. The Mc said he was waiting for the golden to grab him saying it was moment he was waiting for and so allows himself to be grabbed and almost killed? Was his plan assisted suicide? he only lives because the golem didn't feel like crushing his skull and instead decided pulling on him...??
He's a little toddler In a jail cell in a high security prison built for a powerful Mage. watched over by armored guards separated by metal bars. No way he does anything ever. Also kill a guard? He'd be lucky if he's not punted like a football
The characters are stereotypical the grammar is awful and hard to read the novel has only 20 chapters so far though so I'm unsure if they will improve. because of how awful the English is it makes some scenes just cringey for example the Mc said to taunt someone "deliver my love to your mother he can't help support her child." Then he responded with I am the only sibling in my family you should check to know what to say. ??? this is just bad. because of how many 5 star reviews this has on top of the power chart and how few chapters this has im almost 100% sure this author has some bots to blow up the novel.
The chapters are incredibly short while it has 49 chapters each chapter could be read in maybe 20 seconds or so Huge turn-off. ............