


Time travel might not be possible, but it doesn't mean our minds can't travel to the future or to the past. Just read books!

2020-07-13 加入United States






  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    The author has written an excellent piece. Scenes are well-explained, and there are some amusing moments. We'll crafted suspense at the end of each chapter, the author certainly understands how to pique the reader's interest. The update stability is also a significant plus for this book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone else.

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    [1st paragraph] A very good start for a novel, and what I can say is that the author did a very good description to help paint the scenes better in our minds. But I also noticed that the authors writing stile is too informal, and I advise him to make use of any editing tool like 'quillbot' which I also use on some occasions. [2nd paragraph] A great start to a story, and I can say that the author did an excellent job of describing the scenes to help us see them better. However, I noted that the author's writing style is too casual, and I recommend that he utilize an editing tool such as 'quillbot,' which I also use on occasion. [3rd paragraph] The second paragraph is identical to the first, except that it has been edited by Quillbot to make it more professional and remove unnecessary filler words. Same with this paragraph.

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    A young and weak boy *who* seemed...

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    The author wants to participate in WSA

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago
    回復 Loctovia

    Thanks for your review

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    There's not much for me to say. Overall, this novel is a fantastic piece, and it is evident that the author put a lot of effort into it. The author's description is superb, probably one of the best I've seen. The interaction between the different characters is on another level entirely, and not bland like so many other novels. This novel has a specific uniqueness that intrigues the reader and makes them crave for more. But I think the only flaw it has is the update rate. If only the author could update this book regularly, it would definitely rise through the ranks in no time.

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    Keeps getting better

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    Good chapter!

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    A very promising beginning 👍

  • Saint_Grey
    Saint_Grey2 years ago

    A very nice story with one of the best descriptions I've seen. Got me hooked right from the first chapter. And also, the way the author ends with suspense is another bonus to the story. This book will definitely top the charts if it is updated regularly and has a better cover put on it.

Agent Silva

Jaewon Ming, also known by his code name 'Agent Silva' , was the cause of a supposed scientific incidence that occurred in Polaris City. Due to this incidence, he acquired a special ability known as Super Sensitivity. This ability enabled him to foresee and analyze certain situations before they occurred, while also giving him super fast reflexes. 14 years ago, after the discovery of a strange substance which could produce violent electromagnetic waves by two globally renown scientists, Dr Trevor Morgan and Dr Hwan Ming, a secret project was launched with the aim of unraveling the mysteries behind the substance and developing it for human benefit. Soon, it was discovered that the strange substance could produce a radiation that was capable of preventing the use of electricity within its surrounding. Realizing the prospect of it being a potential time bomb that could cause more harm than good, both scientists decided to bring the project to a complete halt. Somehow, news of the project leaked into the ears of the government and other rivalry enforcement agencies. Both scientists were pressured by the government to grant approval for a search to be performed in their main laboratory. Thinking of the possibilities of the strange substance falling into the wrong hands, Dr Trevor Morgan resolved to sneaking the substance away from the lab to his own house. A series of incidence led to another, his son happened to stumble upon the substance. Driven by curiosity, he tampered with it, causing an explosion of electromagnetic waves which put the city in total blackout for several months.

Saint_Grey · 科幻
5 Chs